Random Video

Saturday, April 25, 2009


After a week of non-stop STAR testing and practice STAR testing added onto my regular chapter tests and quizes with review for STAR, it was really nice to finally get a weekend. I thought it would never come. So far, the weekend is going pretty sweet too. Yesterday, I went to Ty's showcase for DTASC, a drama competition and met up with Jared Ash(Ketchum), David Tapia, and Diego.They are so scary nowadays, it's not even funny. Seriously, if you saw these guys on the street you would fear for your life. It was surprisingly less awkward than I thought it would be though.

I had almost forgotten how awesome it is to have a pool at home until today when Nick and I went outside to put the dogs out(what a struggle) and saw the pool. We put our feet in to see how it felt. We both looked at the pool, then at each other and were each thinking the same thing. We immediately removed our cell phones and wallets and Nick followed me in clothes and all. That is my definition of pure awesomenessness.

After that, we turned on JCTV, and saw probably the coolest music video EVER!! You can check it out with this link:

1 comment:

Kait said...

hahaha That music video looked like it was tons of fun to make! It reminded me of that kids show that used to be on Disney channel... "Out of the Box". Did you ever see it? Oh my goodness, I used to want their clubhouse SO BAD! =]

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